Waterfall Books
On the Road to Emmaus
A Spiritual Guide of the Holy Land Towards a Permanent Pilgrimage
The present volume by Peter Sabella is a guidebook with a difference. The reader is confronted with the thought provoking and the deeply emotional challenges of the holy places, the history of the moving events associated with the life and sufferings of Jesus Chirst. This is done by selected passages from the Word of God, thoughtful reflections and questions, instructions and prayers, all signposts as it were, aiding the pilgrim to enter a more intimate union with God and forster a deeper commitment to practice the faith
Fouad Twal
Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
(August 05, 2015)
Sabella's book offers visitors to this Holy Land the opportunity to experience it in a deeper way. So many come with the attitude of a consumer, checking holy sites off a list of things to do and see. This guide transforms the consumer into a pilgrim, inviting Christians to a deeper understanding of these places in relation to their living faith. A recommended spiritual alternative to the usual guide book.
The Holy Land shows both the possibilities for human flourishing in response to the call of Jesus to turn and follow him and also the ways that humanity falls into conflicts and separation. This is a book that speaks of resilience and hope in a fallen world. It is one that helps the pilgrim to hear afresh the call of Jesus to follow, which, as Peter Sabella says, comes from letting the time of pilgrimage be one of "being closed for renovation" so that one can "re-open" ti all the possibilities of service in Jesus's name.
Munib A. Younan
Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land
(August 06, 2015)
Nigel Stock
Bishop at Lambeth Palace - London UK
(August 28, 2015)
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Sur Le Chemin D'Emmaus
Un Guide Spirituel de la Terre Sainte vers un Pelerinage Permanent
Sabella vise a vous aider a entrer dans la dynamique spirituelle d'un pelerinage... Il propose une transformation interieure... Il se veut ainsi au service d'une veritable 'renovation' interieure du coeur et de l'esprit... l'auteur souhaite favoiriser une rencontre du pelerin avec le Ressucite. Il y invite, il y conduit mais il sait que celle-ci n'est pas en son pouvoir... N'hesitez pas a prendre ce livre comme compagnion de route pour votre pelerinage. Il sera pour vous un guide sur et familier.
+ Cardinal Jean-Pierre Ricard
Archeveque de Bordeaux
(25 Fevrier 2017)
Le livre de Sabella propose aux visiteurs en Terre Sainte l'occasion d'une exerience en profendeur. Tant de visiteurs viennent en consommateurs, cochant les choses a voir sure une liste dont les lieux saints font partie... Ce guide transforme le consommateur en pelerin, invitant les chretiens a une meiulleure comprehension de ces lieux en lien avec leur foi vivante. C'est une alternative spirituelle recommandee, face aux guides touristiques habituels.
Munib A. Younan
Eveque de l'Eglise Evangelique Lutherienne
en Jordanie et en Terre Sainte
(6 Aout 2015)
Le present covrage de Peter Sabella est un guide different. Le lecteur est confronte aux defis profondement emotionnels et donnant a penser des lieux saints, de l'histoire et des evenements associes a la vie et aux soufrances de Jesus-Christ.
Fouad Twal
Patriarche Latin de Jerusalem
(5 Aout 2015)
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